Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yellow Weeds and Green Tomatoes

Spring is a couple days away and while it's been feeling a bit like summer around here, it's still refreshing to see the signs of spring.  These yellow flowers popped up in the lawn recently. It's possible they are actually weeds since our 'lawn' is really a mix of grass, weeds, clovers, etc,- but either way, these cute little flowers make me happy as yellow is one of my favorite colors. (Have I mentioned my studio/office is yellow???) I also checked in on my "garden" (I use the term lightly since I have only 2 plants- the rest  have died or been stolen- (I think by animals, but Im not entirely sure)) and I am closely monitoring the tomatoes- all of which are green. I'm a huge fan of monochromatic anything but in this case I'm really crossing my fingers the tomato will eventually turn RED.

So I found the things I love-Yellow and monochromatic themes- unexpectedly and it's reminded me that I want more of both in my designs. Who knew I'd find inspiration in my front yard?
Apparently, Lucca also found inspiration... or he just has the same love of yellow flowers as I do. (Let's hope he doesnt find the tomatoes..) Happy Spring!

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